After serving in the Marine Corps and moving to the east coast to work as an engineer and chemist, we thought we had it made. But the amount of time we spent working our careers left us with little time to actually live our lives.
To make a long story short, we were introduced to a business opportunity that combines the concepts of e-commerce & networking into a single business model that offered us the potential to change our circumstances.
The end of the story? For us, we kept working in our full-time professions while building our new business venture. In just a few short years, in our early 30s, we were able to walk away from corporate America and become full-time entrepreneurs.
We are Jake and Jackie Baker and we lead a team of entrepreneurs, Team ISI, who are focused on training and empowering others to develop an asset driven income.

We utilize a proven system to do online marketing for several exclusive product lines, duplicating this model by building marketing teams.
We partner with and coach other full-time professionals who are looking to
diversify their income and become entrepreneurs.